Thursday, November 4, 2010


"Why must every female cock an attitude, try to shove some sort of superiority over everyone else, and then get offended beyond belief when you don't treat them like God personally came down from Heaven to tell them they are wonderful. Why must women go out of their way to put down others to make them feel better about themselves?"

I saw this as a status today and commented on it and it turned into my blog question of the day. SWEET! :D

Women have egos. I work with about 15 women and all of them think that just because they have a position where they are needed or if there job seems "secure" than they think that they are some GOD. Almighty. Divine. Heavenly. What ever adjective you want to use. I know everyone has seniority over someone else but theres no excuse to be treated like crap. As much as we want to believe it, hazing can be the simplest thing. Giving attitude, pulling pranks etc. But it's no excuse. Everyone should be treated like a human being.

What is so ironic is: most women would be nothing without their "posse." I can't tell you how many people that I work with that get this huge attitude or look down on you when they're with their clique

In every work place, play place or furthermore, theres always going to be some form of mafia. Sad to say but women are like a pack of dogs. BITCHES. Territorial, cold and just bitchy. They stick with their own and make people work for respect. Which is sad. Its segregating really.

I fear for the new girl at every new job. I feel bad for them. Which should only teach you...

"You should be nice to everyone you see. You never know who is going to shoot up the place. I want to be the person he lets go because i gave him a candy bar and smiled at him once."

Not saying you should shoot up places. Just saying you never know who is going to SNAP and you never know who will come back into your life or be an amazing networking tool.

Just Sayin'. ;)

Hope these words help the new girls at work/school/ fun places. You really are an amazing person :D


tata for now!

<3 Angela

p.s. check out my buddies art! :)

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