Wednesday, November 30, 2011

¡Make it rain!

My day was FABULOUS!!!! Anyone else?

Since the last time I've posted (yesterday) I feel as if I took my own advice. I've never felt happier in my life. I feel spicy, sassy, and happy for the first time in a long time. I'm back! I think my independence is back in full force and charged. This is therapy, who am I kidding.

Too many people get caught up in someone else. Someone else's life, that is. If you truly aren't doing things for you, you will not live a life to your full happiness. I LIVED today. And loved it! Every time I wanted to think about anything that was bugging me, I just thought of something else. I'm not going to suffer in this head and think of all the negative things that I used to think about.

Welcome back!

So what have I missed while I was absent?

Hope everyones day was fantastic. I was thinking today about the toxicity in thoughts. Think negative, negative will poison you. You get caught in that black hole. It could be a friend, a lover, a co-worker, doesn't matter! DONT GET SUCKED IN! You know what is best for you! Don't rationalize and convince yourself that something isn't what it is.

It is .EXACTLY. what it IS!

Do you realize just how amazing you are?! Look in the mirror! Smile! You can really use a great big smile! :D

Short but sweet baby doll.

Ta-ta for now!

And I can't breathe, without you. But I have to. Breathe, without you but I have to. People are people and sometimes it doesn't work out. And we know it's never simple, never easy. Breathe

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Un segreto.

Personally, I love a good love story. Can't seem to get enough of them, lately. My book, French lessons has really been a complete package. A girl in an affair. A girl in affair and a man that wants to be in an affair. Being in a country and society where an affair is very much frowned upon, (i.e. Cheaters) I don't know if my inner European is making me more intrigued with these stories. Honestly can't stop reading em.

Now I'm going to make you think with these questions.

Is all fair in love and war?
Why is an affair bad or good?
Is loyalty dead?
Are we all too selfish or should we be in passion?

We've all heard the phrase "once a cheater, always a cheater." Or how about "have your cake and eat it too." it's funny how these sayings can be interpretted in many situations. Life, love, work. But what is the bottom line to these phrases? Be a good person? Probably.

Is anyone living life as a "good person" everyday? How about morals? Anyone have 'em anymore?

My life has taken a switch. Good? Bad? Who knows. We'll find out. Will I continue to be a good person? I would hope so. At the end of my day I want to be able to think, "that was a great day." All the switches and life changes that are happening are making me a little happier everyday. Starting tomorrow.

I was sick today. boooooo!

Ta-ta for now!


It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Una lezione di amore.

Does anyone out there take something for granted?

Of course you do. It was rhetorical.

Do you really realize what you had after it's gone?

I'm taking advantage of some things in my life. I'm being selfish and I don't care who it hurts. I can't say that this is something new. It's never been a new concept. My old roots have been stuck in this old habit. No one ever really changes. No one ever changes for someone else.

Why have I been trying to?

Do demons exist? Is it the devil's influence? Is it really a bad thing to live your life? The way you want, at least? Who ever said it was a bad thing to be everywhere at once? My life is full of questions lately.

This is Angela's Thoughts.

My time is what I'm selfish with. That is the answer.

My individuality is being compromised. I'm looking in the mirror and can say I missed me. Some things can be tamed, other things can't. My outlook is changing and being the person I wanted to be isn't in my cards. I have not been myself.

At all. This isn't me. I'm done waving this flag. I'm rationalizing things I would never rationalize. Be the way you want and people will accept this. Or not. But don't try to change for anyone. Don't make excuses for others. They will be what they will.

All of the rationalizing is BULL SHIT. I don't care to deal with that. I know what I know. It is what it is.


All my complaints shrink to nothing
I'm ashamed of all my somethings

A lesson in love.

Monday, November 21, 2011


I found my current lifestyle to be a little... Odd.

Apparently, I'm a little more French than what I thought. I'm calling it a GOOD thing. As much as I consider myself an Aquarius. Scratch that. I am. I am an Aquarius to the bone, with every description I find, every adjective describes myself. The hardest part: the truth. Everyone has the positives. Everyone has the negatives. I don't think anyone should be defined by a zodiac. But I do consider this definite on my end. My life is so up down, up down. What is this thing called life? Should I live right here right now? Or be in my head the whole time thinking of the negatives of my actions? Does this make me a pessimist?

I find myself shutting down. Isolating and getting back to my roots. Don't call me anti-social. I need to be in. In my head. In my cubical of a room. In me. If I can't get the In time, it's not good. I'm more In and myself with exercise. My running is therapy as of right now. Anyone get lost in their run/walk? Is physical good for the soul? Maybe I'm just the only one.

My current lifestyle is very desolate.

Probably wouldn't have it any other way. With the people that come in and out of life, I'm not feeling so bad about it. I think this is a whole new life lesson.

People come and go.
I think I finally understand this.

