Monday, February 20, 2012

WANTS > needs

Hello there.

It's been some time. Bizaaaar to have so much happen in a week. There's so much change that has been happening and I'm adjusting. Truthfully.

How amazing is it to finally see what and who your priorities are? My birthday has come and gone. As I was drinking and speaking it became very clear who was very important in my life. My very loyal friends asked me where's so and so?! I answered truthfully...

*Shrug* "Honestly, I love my friends. Don't get me wrong, it sucks that they're not here. But everyone that I really care about and love is here. My family is the most important thing to me."

I think the alcohol was very sincere that night. The older I get, the less I have to fear with my mouth. When you tell the truth, you have nothing to hide. No secrets.

Anyone love the free feelings in life? Maybe it's getting out of work. Maybe its taking a spin in your car. I love all free feelings. Free to do what I want. Free to make my own judgment calls. Free to the worrrld. Including being naked. :)

Wants and Needs are SO different. Do you find yourself Needing! or Wanting! more? I find it's more needs lately. It's essential to eat. It's essential to wear socks in winter. It's essential to get some sleep. Or is that more of a want? I would say that having only WANTS, never NEEDING anything is a little bit more high maintenance. Someone recently told me they didn't ever NEED anything. I was kinda thinking... hm... okay prima donna! In your life, if you only NEED something, wouldn't that be a little more... understanding?

Might just be me. Either way, I'm into the essentials for now. Simplifying my life and getting my head back. It's good to feel...relaxed? Finally, the thoughts are starting to sort out and life is getting simpler! Who would've guessed? Maybe I need to drink more wine. It tends to help with everything. Not a question. It just does... :D

Tata For Now!


In vino veritas.

Mi piace amare. Ma io non voglio amare, oggi.

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