Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Good one?

I just want to see. Someone give me a solution. I can't stand to be drifting anymore. I can't control everything. I don't want to control anything. It's funny that I drink and just can't escape thoughts. I find the tune out happening. I walk in the door and someone is asking me something, but I don't really hear it. What? Can't you see that I'm thinking?!

What did you say?

No, I'm not really listening. It's screaming and screaming in here. I'm sick of subsiding it and being so consumed in a thought. I don't really think this will last forever, but I'm starting to think I'm entitled to some selfish time in my head.

My lips are sealed.

I don't know how obvious we all are with our feelings. In general, I'm speaking. Do we all wear our hearts on our sleeves? I'm not really sure. I find it so hard to read people. Another thing, why do we need to read between lines? I feel like people should be a little more honest. What's wrong with honestly? Can't you just say what you are feeling? What happened to that? I know as a chick, most of us want to keep all our feelings on the inside and be so mysterious. But honestly, isn't that a bit cruel? Men are pretty oblivious. Kind of harsh. They are going with what you are saying and doing. Why are you making an underlying statement. Not a question.

Fricken World War 3 with these chicks. Some dudes as well. Lets not forget about the dudes.

Sleep time, You get me over here?

<3 Angela

You will forever be my forever.

I just wanna break you down so badly.
Well I trip over everything you say.
I just wanna break you down so badly.

P.S. Happy February. You know, I really want a good present for my birthday. Yeah, you.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Post!! Lots of good shit and it really got me thinking.. Don't ever stop!!!
