Monday, February 6, 2012

Secrets. Secrets.

Secrets secrets are lots of fun, but should you tell anyone?

My current dilemma in life.

It's funny, the deeper the secret, the more I don't want to tell anyone. I can't tell if it's a good thing or not. Secrets are usually secrets for a reason. But I feel like secrets are always something you want to share. Is it to compare stories so that you don't feel bad in any way? Or maybe to help someone rationalize your thinking? Could be. Anyone else? I know I can't be alone.

I find myself noticing things. Is it coincidence? I don't think so. I feel like I'm getting indirect messages. I can't be insane. I can't stand guessing and waiting and hoping. I'm pretty sure I'm right about this one. Moving on!

How does everyone feel about dreams? My dreams are crazy lately! What the heck does it mean!! Wait, i think it all makes sense now.. Bizaaaaar.

Any people that are superstitious? This is the meaning on this blog. All about superstition and sublimmenal messages. Spelled that one wrong. Oh well!

I'll edit this later! :) Enter sandman.



  1. Secrets and dreams - I can relate - so here it goes. In my dreams I always am a smoker. I'm a glamorous smoker, meaning I'm slender and so put together and I radiate sexy but I have a cigarette in my fingers or mouth. I blow smoke like they use to in the movies.
    I've read in some dream books that it means I have a terrible secret I'm dying to let out or that I'm feeling successful. It depends on what year the dream book was published.
    I think it stends from growing up next to the Munson's. Mrs. Munson use to be this beautiful woman who layed out on her back deck for hours everyday and smoked. I thought she was so beautiful and had it made, staying home all day to just lay out in the sun. LOL! Now I understand that she probably smoked because she was so bored.
    In my real life. The thought of smoking grosses me out. I even get a biter taste in my mouth just thinking about it and yet I've never smoked anything in my life!

    There you go my secret and dream!

  2. crazy! ive had dreams where im smoking as well! i am going to have to back track and see what those dreams were all about now! smoking is glamorous on other people. I know being a kid and seeing that sometimes i thought the same thing. but wow! dreams can be so weird! :)
