Monday, March 26, 2012

Pay yourself.

Say it ain't so.
Your drug is a heart-breaker.
Say it ain't so.
My love is a life-taker.

Hey! Happy Hunger Games! Life is good. Kinda. Well, the Hunger Games makes life happier.

When do we find comfort as human beings? Is comfort and happiness found in other people? Say, a lover? I don't have the slightest clue.

I find some comfort in other people's lives. Found in movies. Laughter with other people. Is anything better than a genuine connection? With other people I mean. It's like fireworks. Incredible feeling, actually.

Waiting to feel normal. Again.

I find comfort in what I do, as well. I connect with people and get involved with working to make someone feel great about themselves. Is that considered selfish or selfless? Tamayta. Tahmahtoe.

Going to a concert soon! Can you say excited?! It's my first! I'm a virgin! It's a techno concert! Is that considered a concert? Or more of a dance contest? We'll see. :D

My savings account is growing! Of course I am buying things, yet, still able to save. Hooray for me! I'm still thinking my first house will be a lakehouse. That way I can rent it out and really make some dough. Also, isn't that considered a business? RHETORICAL. I think it is. :)

Any lakes I should check out? I think Pine Lake has some potential and then I wanna see Paw Paw. Anyone? Anyone have suggestions? I need to be able to check it out within 3-4 hours. Any more (Minocqua) is too far. Thanks!!


I can't confront you, I never could do...
That which might hurt you, so try and be cool
when I say, "This way is a waterslide away from me that takes me further every day,"
hey, so be cool.

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