Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Share it.

Where are you? I know where. BUT, why do I feel toyed with? Does it look like a play games?

I don't. I really don't want to play games. What ever happened to the decent men in the world? One out of a million, right?


Many new things as of late. Motion after motion. Day after day. There's been a shift in the universe. Instead of just living and breathing, I'm starting to soar again. My drive is back. So is my stride. Which is a huge relief.

Fully Alive. I'm ashamed of all my somethings.

Everything passes. I just didn't think you would. You pass on me. Now I'm starting to pass over you. Give me something to work with and I might be able to tolerate you a little more. You've given me nothing. Nothing but words.

GOSH! I have to be bipolar. As much as I want to see the actions, it's not supposed to be! Why oh whhhyyyyyy do I want something and will immediately have regret from it. I have regret from just thinking about it. Maybe I should give you more credit than what I do. This is the best thing. There's some things that should never happen. Don't dabble in this. You always know the answer.

Everyone has their secrets. But shouldn't you be honest with yourself? Your secrets will set you free.

Set yourself free.

Deep breath,


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