Monday, March 26, 2012

Pay yourself.

Say it ain't so.
Your drug is a heart-breaker.
Say it ain't so.
My love is a life-taker.

Hey! Happy Hunger Games! Life is good. Kinda. Well, the Hunger Games makes life happier.

When do we find comfort as human beings? Is comfort and happiness found in other people? Say, a lover? I don't have the slightest clue.

I find some comfort in other people's lives. Found in movies. Laughter with other people. Is anything better than a genuine connection? With other people I mean. It's like fireworks. Incredible feeling, actually.

Waiting to feel normal. Again.

I find comfort in what I do, as well. I connect with people and get involved with working to make someone feel great about themselves. Is that considered selfish or selfless? Tamayta. Tahmahtoe.

Going to a concert soon! Can you say excited?! It's my first! I'm a virgin! It's a techno concert! Is that considered a concert? Or more of a dance contest? We'll see. :D

My savings account is growing! Of course I am buying things, yet, still able to save. Hooray for me! I'm still thinking my first house will be a lakehouse. That way I can rent it out and really make some dough. Also, isn't that considered a business? RHETORICAL. I think it is. :)

Any lakes I should check out? I think Pine Lake has some potential and then I wanna see Paw Paw. Anyone? Anyone have suggestions? I need to be able to check it out within 3-4 hours. Any more (Minocqua) is too far. Thanks!!


I can't confront you, I never could do...
That which might hurt you, so try and be cool
when I say, "This way is a waterslide away from me that takes me further every day,"
hey, so be cool.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Movin' on.

Anyone feel like rebelling? Happens to me a lot. Dealing with Daily Demons, claro. Nothing new, obviously. Anyone have any constant battles? Something that is a constant? I think most of us have some sort of habit, ism, problem. Right?

I decided I'm going to talk about all the BULL SHIT and crazy things I hear on a daily basis. A frequent topic is always marriage. Most of the people I'm surrounded by are married. Sigh...

Is anyone happy? I hear about all these "unknown" people that are stuck in their marriage. They don't want to break up the family. They don't want to move out of their house yet. That means that they'll lose dadadadadadaddadadaaaa...So! In the mean time, they're going to go out and hang out with their lover in town. Huh... that's funny. I'm pretty sure your family is going to be broken up soon if you're doing that. On that subject, Is a mind-fuck worse than a real fuck? Everyone says that it's worse. But really, disease can be a major factor in that. How do we feel about this?

Regardless, I think technology is a huge issue in each relationship. They're are MAJOR red flags. Your phone is one of them. If you're territorial over your phone, what does that say? RED FLAG. Also, if you are going out of your way to talk to someone... RED FLAG.


I hate cell phones. They're full of secrets. I personally can't wait to be in my next relationship for the factor of seeing how they handle their phone. I'm so flippin' picky. This will be funny. I have this thing where, if I'm out to dinner, out with friends, out on a date.. I never take my phone out first if I can help it. If you grab you phone before I do, we have a problem. I really don't care what's on your phone. Don't show me.. unless I say, "Google it!" Then Go! Google away.

I don't care about your phone. I don't want to think of all the people you're possibly texting/ talking to. You're just digging a deeper hole. So take note MEN! Don't grab your phone. Unless you have some emergency, or need to check to see who's calling to silence it. I don't like anyone without common courtesy! Helloooo...



Sunday, March 11, 2012


I consider myself a goal maker. I think life is all about goals. I decided to take some drastic measures this year. It was a year for change. A change in myself mentally and physically.

I never wanna be where I was. I never want to be so unhappy with where I am that I decide to put myself last.

Because of my roller coaster I couldn't really look at food as pleasure anymore. I don't see food as this amazing part of my life. I was such a foodie that I didn't look at food as nutrition. It was a guilty pleasure. I had no plan. I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Not to make excuses but when you have a family that is constantly eating and eating meat at that, it is very hard to keep your cool. Being a vegetarian put a huge strain in my diet. I started eating junk food, and more and more processed foods. I was a vegetarian's worst nightmare.

I can't even wrap my head around the way i was. I must have been in a very blissful place. So blissful to completely forget about being healthy. Everyone can get off track every now and then. I don't blame myself. It's a lesson that needs to be learned. I'm just happy things really clicked lately.

So anyways! Switching gears...

Goals! My goals this year are to get back to my healthy self. I don't have a size in mind. Nor a goal weight. I actually HATE getting on scales. I don't think I'll ever be happy with numbers. I can weigh little to nothing but I still want the tone up and muscle. I want to be happy with what I see. I want to be happy with my performance. Get your mind out of the gutter. Any goals for you?

I had more to add. But I lost it. Got lost in those push ups. OH! Happy time change!! YAYY!! summer!! :D

Angela <3

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


It's better off this way.
I'm not okay.
Take a good hard look.

See, I'm so indecisive. But when I commit to something, I really, really, whole heartedly commit. I'm committed.

I'm getting a tattoo.

Surprised? I have the best reason in the world for a tattoo. I'm hoping this will just turn into a snowball effect. Life is too short. I am waaayyy too artsy to not show my colors. Pun intended. That's not my reasoning, though. I love them and it's for family. So you can't say thats not legit!

How's everyone feel about tattoos? I have had such a back and forth opinion about them. Now I'm really starting to love them. We all know that I have multiple personalities... Not the end of my thought. But everyone I want to be- can have tattoos. Even the real me.

It's a win- win situation. I need to stop wondering what others will think of me. I need to worry about me. I love art, I love my family. If I can cut hair all day and see it and think of all the happiness my family brings... I'll be one happy girl.

That's what life is all about, right? Family, the people you love, and happiness.

They love you at your best and at your absolute worst.

Got beef?! I don't care. I'm a vegetarian. :P SUCK ON THAT!

Angela <3

P.S. I couldn't care less. Do your thang. It won't ever work out.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Yep, I'm now thinking Miami. Can you blame a chick? Latinos, A beach, sunshine, amazing food. Sounds like an ace to me!

I have to say, I really love food. But I am pickier. If you include my vegetarianism as "picky" then TACK that in there as well. I love to try new food. I feel like the world is so colorful and bright. Food is such an amazing example of the region your visiting. It will make your trip full of life! I might be the only one who looks forward to what I'm going to eat on vacation... actually, I know that I'm not!

I have studied a lot of food. My mom's italian, my brother a chef, I watch a lot of food of tv, i google a lot. By no means am I a culinary expert but I will say, you do get a feeling of history in each dish you try. What really makes it, is seeing who's making it in the cocina! Nothing better than seeing an abuelita rolling or stirring!

Ahhh... food.

America's Beauty Show was this weekend! Talk about a fun atmosphere! I can't even begin to explain to you what kind of things you see. You just don't see whacky hair. Everything is whacky at this place. It's fun to see people checking you out. But then again you're checking them out. Over- all it's a pretty "hater free" place. Everyone may be looking at you, but they're getting ready to steal something from you if they're really staring.

Got myself some great! new brushes! Can't wait to try em out tomorrow morning! :D It has a sweet case as well. Which is fantastic for travel! Yayyy!!! Travelling!! :)

Well, life is just going. One day at a time. Sometimes I'm lonely. Sometimes I just don't care. It's always a different thing, all. the. time.

That's how life goes. As long as I'm able to sleep at night, I'm okay with that. That's how the cookie crumbles.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

And Scene.

Be obscene. Be obscene.

What is sexy? For some, it's the obvious. It's body parts, it's skin, it's anything flashy and nude.

I'm sort of the opposite. I think less is more. Could be my age, but I get a kick out of seeing the chicks with short shorts and low- cut, tore up shirt. Bleach blonde and tanned to orange.

I couldn't be more opposite. Don't get me wrong, I love some skin on occasion. But i find so much pleasure in a form fitting dress. Or a full coverage outfit with a little neck showing. What's not sexy about leaving the mind for imagination? RHETORICAL.

Could just be me. I'm just over all these people and their fads. Make your own style. Don't follow. Isn't that what life is all about? Being your own person, and pulling off whatever look you want?! Take chances, don't let anyone tell you what you should look like. I love originality! Surprise me! Surprise the world! We love people with guts and glory! :D

America's Beauty Show in the AM. I still have to curl this mop of hair. So i guess I'll do that and rock out. Hope the curls won't fall out completely. :D



Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lost and Found.

I've given up on love.
Cause LOOOVES given up on me.

What feels better than a long summer day, a freshly tanned feeling, and knowing you have a day off tomorrow? RHETORICAL.

I can't flippin' wait for summer. Something about fall/winter is that SADisorder. YUCK. Winter blues SUCK! Something about country music puts me in that summer-y mindset. Anyone else? Maybe, it's all those, summer, tequila, baseball songs? Maybe...

I tootally am ready for these spring days to start sticking! March 11th is the time switch and lemme tell ya... CAN'T FRICKEN WAIT.

I know I'm going to lose an hour.. but really... I'm gaining an hour. :) Feel Me?

Anyone been to Boston? I'm thinking that might be my Spring trip. I was hoping for Dallas but can't really commit to that. I need some good ole country sometimes. Not that I can eat the BBQ.. but hey! maybe I'll get lucky and meet some amazing (not a hick) cowboy! ;) Bow chicka wow wowwww! That's what I'm talkin' about ya'll!

Who are we kidding, I need someone northern. Way northern. Like, Minocqua northern. OH YEEEAAHHHH.

Hey, a girl can dream.

Actually! Scratch that! I need to go to New Orleans! PRONTO! Anyone wanna come? I need some fun people, that reaaaally like RUM! :D How about Nawlins! I gotta check out that city. I might, probably, definitely NOT come home. I think I'll fall in love. CAJON MAAAN. :)

Well, I'm going to go dream about Nawlins! :D

