Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lost and Found.

I've given up on love.
Cause LOOOVES given up on me.

What feels better than a long summer day, a freshly tanned feeling, and knowing you have a day off tomorrow? RHETORICAL.

I can't flippin' wait for summer. Something about fall/winter is that SADisorder. YUCK. Winter blues SUCK! Something about country music puts me in that summer-y mindset. Anyone else? Maybe, it's all those, summer, tequila, baseball songs? Maybe...

I tootally am ready for these spring days to start sticking! March 11th is the time switch and lemme tell ya... CAN'T FRICKEN WAIT.

I know I'm going to lose an hour.. but really... I'm gaining an hour. :) Feel Me?

Anyone been to Boston? I'm thinking that might be my Spring trip. I was hoping for Dallas but can't really commit to that. I need some good ole country sometimes. Not that I can eat the BBQ.. but hey! maybe I'll get lucky and meet some amazing (not a hick) cowboy! ;) Bow chicka wow wowwww! That's what I'm talkin' about ya'll!

Who are we kidding, I need someone northern. Way northern. Like, Minocqua northern. OH YEEEAAHHHH.

Hey, a girl can dream.

Actually! Scratch that! I need to go to New Orleans! PRONTO! Anyone wanna come? I need some fun people, that reaaaally like RUM! :D How about Nawlins! I gotta check out that city. I might, probably, definitely NOT come home. I think I'll fall in love. CAJON MAAAN. :)

Well, I'm going to go dream about Nawlins! :D



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