Sunday, March 11, 2012


I consider myself a goal maker. I think life is all about goals. I decided to take some drastic measures this year. It was a year for change. A change in myself mentally and physically.

I never wanna be where I was. I never want to be so unhappy with where I am that I decide to put myself last.

Because of my roller coaster I couldn't really look at food as pleasure anymore. I don't see food as this amazing part of my life. I was such a foodie that I didn't look at food as nutrition. It was a guilty pleasure. I had no plan. I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Not to make excuses but when you have a family that is constantly eating and eating meat at that, it is very hard to keep your cool. Being a vegetarian put a huge strain in my diet. I started eating junk food, and more and more processed foods. I was a vegetarian's worst nightmare.

I can't even wrap my head around the way i was. I must have been in a very blissful place. So blissful to completely forget about being healthy. Everyone can get off track every now and then. I don't blame myself. It's a lesson that needs to be learned. I'm just happy things really clicked lately.

So anyways! Switching gears...

Goals! My goals this year are to get back to my healthy self. I don't have a size in mind. Nor a goal weight. I actually HATE getting on scales. I don't think I'll ever be happy with numbers. I can weigh little to nothing but I still want the tone up and muscle. I want to be happy with what I see. I want to be happy with my performance. Get your mind out of the gutter. Any goals for you?

I had more to add. But I lost it. Got lost in those push ups. OH! Happy time change!! YAYY!! summer!! :D

Angela <3

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