Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Hola! Hola! Hola! Hola!

It has been FOREVER! has it not?

WELL! I had to bring my computer in to the Geek Squad. UGH! It kept over-heating and being a pain and just had to do it! (SO FAR SO GOOD)

Currently my life is crazy! Work is INSANE, even on Xmas Eve. Which I'm fine with considering we'll be dead after Christmas... oh well! Take as much as you can, right?

I finished all of my Christmas shopping very early this year and I am super happy to say that. All I have to do is wrap a few here there and be done! :) WHOOOOOO!!!

Lately, to pass my time of course, I've been listening to a lot of music. I'm very obsessed with spanish music right now. Meaning everyone is speaking spanish. the correct genre is probably Latina Musica. I've been listening to lots of my old music and have fallen back in love!

I am also watching the movie Volver right now. As we speak! haha! Its with Penelope Cruz and it's in all spanish. Spanish spanish too. Penelope is from Spain originally and is a fantastic actress! Just love her! Can't WAIT to see Nine!

Well, Im so tired and have to get soome sleep! big day ahead of me tomorrow!


ta-ta for now! :) night bloggers!

Monday, November 9, 2009

You're not sorry.

All this time I was wasting hoping you would come around
I’ve been giving out chances everytime and all you do is let me down
And its taking me this long but baby I figured you out
And you think it will be fine again but not this time around

You don’t have to call anymore
I won’t pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don’t want to hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you’re sorry
But I won’t believe you baby like I did before
You’re not sorry no more, no more, no

Lookin’ so innocent
I might believe you if I didn’t know
Could’a loved you all my life
If you hadn’t left me waiting in the cold
And you got your share of secrets
And I’m tired of being last to know
And now you’re asking me to listen
Cuz its worked each time before

But you don’t have to call anymore
I won’t pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don’t want to hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you’re sorry
But I don’t believe you baby like I did before
You’re not sorry no no no noo
You’re not sorry no no no noo

You had me calling for you honey
And it never would’ve gone away no
You use to shine so bright
But I watched our love it fade

So you don’t have to call anymore
I won’t pick up the phone
This is the last straw
There’s nothing left to beg for
And you can tell me that you’re sorry
But I won’t believe you baby like I did before

oh my gosh. i am currently obbsessed with taylor swift! i absolutely love this album. and this song in particular. isn't she gorgeous! and so talented?!

short but sweet!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

All Hallows Eve!


Halloween is days away! my fav holiday ever is coming too fast! I haven't even figured out my costume situation!

Im going to Indiana University to visit ariel! Yayyy! haven't seen her since...summer? and it just so happens (drum roll please!) to be her 21st birthday on the 29th! yayyyy!!!! so im leaving on saturday(halloween) and staying the weekend! yipppeeeee! :)

I haven't wrote on my blog in forever! i don't even remember whats been happening!

Auntie vicki, uncle Mark and scott and annabelle came by for dinner the other night. that was nice! always a pleasure! :)

My brother got a second job! yessssssss! and just so happens to have sold his car also! how great right?

So for a hobby I'm thinking about going by the police station and seeing if they have some training on guns. i have my gun card and haven't even fired one! ever! so i think, in this day and age, that i should learn! :) scary huh?! well thats why i decided to go to the police department. i also want to find out what the training is like for police. if they learn tae-kwan-do (sp?) or karate. i know they get some type of training for defending themselves so i think that would be something fun and useful to look into.

rocco and tia got a bath today! they look purrrrdy!:) way shiny and fluffy! tia's going to be shedding for weeks! god love her! hehe!

Kevin, Me, Lauren and Caleb all went to the punkin' patch a few weeks ago! i had so much fun! he's such a ball of energy, keeping up with him was hard work!

well, its about 12:30 so i should probably sleep! hope everyone is doing great! :)


ta-ta for now!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wasting space!

Wasting space with Chace! haha! This past week and weekend has been crazy! Work has been waaayyy busy and I've had such an eventful past week! I went to my first country concert! How fun! I saw Carrie Underwood at the Ravinia, well I really didn't see her so much but I enjoyed listening to her live! Both Lauren and Kevin came and they brought Caleb along too! He was wayyy ready and definitely excited to run around! :) Too cute!

Enough with the VAMPIRE crap!! My gosh everrryyytthing is vampire! I will admit, i love vampires, the books, the movies, the tv shows but I'm sick of the posers and stragglers!! My gosh!!!

So anywho! I decided that with my blog I'm just wasting space, in space. haha! the WWW is so empty I might as well just waste it! So I'll do so with pictures of sexy men. haha!

Can you guys believe that it's september?! I can't! I just recently told my mom and boyfriend that I'm thinking about takiing a pastry class! how fun right?! I don't think i spelled pastry right, it doesn't look right...

But how cool right? learn about baking and hopefully some chocolate! Super excited!

Alright, I gotta go. Gotta put some top coat on my fingees and lay around some more! Much to do! haha!



Saturday, August 22, 2009

Callin' all cowboys!

Can you believe that it's practically September?! :)

So! I took a test online tonight and it was to determine if I'm a yankee or a rebel. Now, I don't remember much of my history so when I got the results of "61% Dixie" I was slightly confused. I'm missing out on so much history being stuck here in the midwest! I'm fixin' to visit the south! I need some good BBQ and cowboys!

Since there's only a few of you that read this blog, Aunt Vicki, haha... I'll just let you know that these pictures I have up are "Jason Stackhouse" aka Ryan Kwanten from the HBO series Trueblood. He's actually an Aussie (bummer, I know...) but plays a good ol southan boooy in the series. He is fooooine!

I talked to Ariel today, I received a few picture messages from her. I got to see what her apartment looked like! It's super cute! I'm planning on going down to Bloomington to visit her, SOMETIME soon. I was hopiing to go to homecoming then her birthday, which would actually be Halloween weekend! How fun will that be?! I know I'll definitely be there for her birthday but I'm not 100% on homecoming yet! Keep your fingee's crossed!

Anywho, I'm fixin' for some Trueblood so I think I miight get some onDemand and relax with mah pooches! Have a great weekend! And good luck to everyone going back to school!


GLA rose.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Time's flying!

Wow! I can't believe that it's already August! School is about to start and I don;t have to attend! Crazy how much I feel like I have to go get my supplies and bookbags and new shoes! WEEEEIRD! haha!

Recently, I've been up to a lot! This weekend I went to Comic-Con Chicago! Me, Andrew, Charlie and Jon all went on Sunday and had a great time. Although it was smelly, I still had a good time and dropped some cash on some fun new things. I got some really cool things! they were selling swords, knives, t-shirts, comic books, playboy magazines, posters, everything! I got to meet a lot of people, including cast of New Moon, the little person from Pirates of the Carribean, C3Po and R2D2. I don't ever really remember typing out their names so if i miss-spelled any names I'm very sorry!

I also went to the hill for some classic italian food and music! We all thought we were attending St. Rocco fest but later found out it was in a couple of weeks. We still don't know the name for the fest we were actually at, but we had fun anyways! Me, mom, dad, mana and papa all went. We had Italian Sausage sandwiches, beef sandwiches, calamari, and lots of fried, doughy, desserts. I ran into a lot of people I haven't seen in a very long time! Such a cool thing to see so many people from my past!

Anyways! I gotta run, much to do still.



Tuesday, July 28, 2009


hey! so you're probably wondering, "whats up with this pic?"

well! I'll explain!<

Recently I've been having trouble deciding what i want my hair to look like. (I know it changes so much!) but I'm really indecisive and love to change things up!

SO! what i decided is to be me. For a change I'm not going to be dramatic anymore and I'm going to be more natural, more me, just polished. Not a lot of people know this, but I'm a natural blonde. When people see my natural color they say it looks brown, but being a professional i have to inform you all that I am infact a dark natural ash-y blonde.

You're probably asking yourself, so are you growing out your hair without re-coloring it? TRUE

I will be growing my hair out, which is nothing new, by the way. lol I also will not be touching up my color but infact possibly lightening my hair with highlights then its all natural from there. just highlighting and being a blonde. My goal is to just embrace my natural skintone, eyes and hair. I will be a golden blonde chica!

So my goal is to, in the next 6 months, to be more like me!

I'll post a picture soon of me as a little blonde beachy baby! lol Hope to hear from you soon!



Monday, July 20, 2009


Today is a wonderful day! It beautiful outside, I have the house to myself! I'm going to get some jewelry tonight! whoo hoo!!

My parents are on vacation all week so I have the pleasure of house sitting! whooooo!! haha

Its actually a pretty cool thing. They're on vacation and so am I! Charlie's staying with me this week, he's going to keep me sane cuz everyone knows this house makes too many creeks and noise. I'de definitely be freaking out if I was totally alone!

Haha! well I hope everyone is enjoying the end of their summer! I can't believe July is almost over! oh my gosssh! :)

See ya soon!

TTFN! <3

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The day after that...

SO! Today was an excellent day! Wanna know why? It's only 3 days til my boobooluuuhhhhh comes hooome! eeeeekkkk!!! :D today went SO fast, i started drinking at noon, i didn't get sunburned and the baby came over!!! yayyyy!!! fantastic day!

Hope everyone's 4th of july rocked! everyone was safe, and of course you all partied ur DUPA's off!!

Hope to see you all soon!


<3 Angela

p.s. this pic, if it comes out right, is a blast from the past! eh?

Friday, July 3, 2009

hairs getting long...

Hey Bloggers!

It's the Eve of Independence day! or, the 3rd of July! whooooo!!!

My poor puppies! Tia has been shaking all night and hyperventilating! (don't think i spelled that right!) Even Rocco has been freaking out a little! Weird.

So tomorrow morning me, mom and dad are going to Buchanan, Michigan for REDBUUUUUD! :) Super pumped! Even MORE pumped because Bubba Stewart isn't racing! What a great day it will be! :)

After REDBUUUUD, we're going over to Auntie Karen's and Uncle Mike's for the celebration of 4th of July and, of course, Mana's birthday! I can't even tell you the last time I actually spent the 4th of July with Mana! Super weird.

Fireworks at Glenwoodie will be the end to our 4th of July, which will be really nice but upsetting to see! I love fireworks, but I can't help but think, man, I wish so-and-so was here! This time being Charlie. :(

Anyways! It'll be a fun and dirty day in the sun! Full of white-trashy rednecks and meat-headed men! Whooooo! My favorite! NOT!
My hair's getting so long! i can actually feel it in the wind! :D YAYYYYY!!!
Alrighty bloggers, have a fun and safe 4th! see ya soon!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Oh man, tonight was way eventful!

I was duking it out! How unbelievably unbelievable!

i cant think of any other words! lol

I love ignorance.


Short and Sweet.

Sushi Mess!

Today is a little busier than yesterday!

I woke up to hearing that my baby, yet again, peed in the house. sigh! Man was I glad I didnt have to clean anything! I've picked up enough poop and puke and whatever else, to last me a lifetime! :)

So today I'm going out for sushi with DJ. YAYYY!!! I haven't had sushi in fooorrreverrr! I haven't seen DJ in forreeverr! I'm so excited for this week! People are coming into town, forth of july!, and lots of fun activities! :)

Summer rocks doesn't it?!!!

I'm going outside now! Time to love this weather! :D

TTFN! TaTa For Now!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Catie's there!!

Just heard from Catie's BLOG!


She's in Australia and loving it! sigh..i wish i was there!

Anywho, Friends from Massachusettes are in town right now so I'm not going to linger.

See ya later Blooooooggggers!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

oooh doo wop! Cry babbyy!!!

Okay, let me just point out that Iggy Pop was once an un-scary man. Haha! I'm watching Cry Baby with Johnny Depp. (LOOVE HIM!) haha! Iggy Pop is in it, he kind of looks normal...weird. haha!

Today was super low-key. I had a few clients, did another awwesome razor cut that was super cute and drastic, loove it. (Didn't cut myself this time.) I went out with Sherry and some of the family to Cilantro which toootally hit the spot! I love cheese, too bad I'm lactose Intolerant! Never would have guessed the way I'm just choking it down everyday! Anywho!

I'm thinking about IMDB-ing all of the Johnny Depp movies and crossing out all the ones that I've seen already. I think I have a pretty good amount of movies on my list. :)

I'm smitten, and enamored. I'll leave it at that!

TTFN! TaTa For Now!



Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The next day...

Today was definitely better than yesterday! Thank god! lol

Well I found out that Johnny Depp was at Gibson's in Chicago! Super cool. Buuuut, I wasn't there. Not super cool. Haha! I also woke up today to some AMAZING dreams. I had many, so i won't even begin to tell!

I also talked to anu banu bananu. Yayyy!! He's coming to town! He's coming to town! I'm so unbelievably excited to see him, I can't wait for a big ol bear hug. What else, I only had one client today but she was super cool. I did a razor cut and it's been a while since I've done one so it was somewhat nerve racking. It came out great! I feel so refreshed! I feel inspired again and so excited to get back into something a little more creative! Of course, I got through the entire cut and when i go to change the blade, **SLIITTTT*, cut my finger. DRAAAG!! haha

Oh my gosh! In 1 week (7 days) Zak (stranger danger) Attack will be here! :) I'm so pumped! It been years! Litterally years!

Well, that's all I cant think about right now, besides Conan rocked tonight and Jimmy Fallon is going to be even better!!! :D Hooorayyy!!!

TTFN! TaTa For Now!!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

And then there were none...

Well bloggers, today is a sad day.

My boyfriend of 2 and some years left today. He went to a family reunion 7 hours away. He's going to be there until Saturday, and that's the earliest! *SIGH* I'm on his computer now, his MAC, in his room with the TV on, blaring Dropkick Murphy, pretending he's here. How horrible is it that I can't even see his dog anymore? God I'm attached. I can't help it that I'm used to seeing him everyday and tell him everything. I think I've called him 20 times today, and my texts have been off the wall.

My best friend, who actually is blood, is leaving too. To Australia she goes! So bitter sweet, I completely lost it saying good bye. I love that she's going and I know she's going to have an amazing time, but I can't help that I'm selfish and want the good things in my life. That includes good people, and the ones that I can say are my best friends. Gosh I'm going to miss her!


Well, talk to you later slackers!
