Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Drop dead.


Hows it?
No need to worry, I think the last blog really was the end of that era. Ranting ranting and ranting. Let's talk shop shall we?

I talk to people everyday. I really love what I do. To wake up everyday (usually) excited to go to work and see everyone and see what adventure I'll be on. Everyone is so inspiring lately! How exciting! Red, violet, rich rich brunettes! How gorgeous is everyone looking?!

Now I always google things, DUH! But did you know that only about 1% of the world are red heads. Pretty sad, huh? I happen to be a sucker for red heads. (Aunt Vicki can vouch for me) And I have to say, I didn't realize just how rare a red head is. How exciting!

Maybe I knew deep deeep deeeep down that red heads are a dime a dozen. Hm!

SO what has everyone been up to? I know Christmas is right around the corner. (I'm the grinch) I'm pretty fired up about it. Looks like all my gifts are going to be ACE!

Ok, lets break the ice. Who am I kidding. It has to be said.

I'm single.

Ta! Ta! ;)


  1. What?? You are single for real? How are you and how is Charlie? I thought something was up.

    Natural redheads are very slim. I love being a slight redhead and will need you so very soon. I think my look is so boring. I love that you told me about eye primer. My makeup has never lasted so long and looked so good. Love It! So now it makes me wonder what other secrets I can learn from you to look better. I plan on working on my weight but I can use a whole make over.

  2. Yes, I am. I'm okay. As you can tell, it's been a weird couple of weeks. lol Charlie seems to be doing good as well. We're still friends and talk occasionally. Just wasn't working out.

    You make a fantastic red head! I think you look stunning! I'm glad that eye primer is working out for you. I have a hard time investing in something so frivolous. Make-up is frivolous but WORTH IT!

    Lol, I love a good make-over myself so i understand your interest! I always think you look so beautiful! :) you hardly need any help!

    Hope to see you soon! :)

  3. Angela, you just mad my day, week, month!
    I just told Mark the other day that I miss being told I'm attractive. I remember the days of dating Uncle Mark and men would tell me how attractive they thought I was. It's nice to be told once in a while, even after years of marriage.

    It's crazy but I mentally think that a woman's beauty is on the inside, but I would like to possess it on the outside.

  4. hahaha! im glad to make your day, week or month!

    that uncle mark needs a talkin' to! you catch more bees with honey! HELLLOOOO!!! lol

    i would agree! women are the most beautiful when theyre beautiful on the inside! i cant tell you how many ROTTEN women there are! (i would know! i see them everyday!) they dont know what theyre missing out on! the bright side of life is so wonderful! AMI right?!

    you're gorgeous! start feeling it! :D
