Monday, December 26, 2011

I'm right but sometimes left.

Bare with me. I'm on my phone for this one. This weekend was very fun for me. To end it, I went to the blackhawks game. We were 16th row from the glass. :) jealous?

How was everyone's holiday? It went fast didn't it.

I found this great quote that I have to share with you all!

We're the perfect couple, we're just not in the perfect situation.

Pretty amazing, right? I couldn't believe i found a quote that meaningful. Timing is everything in life. That's a fact. So if the timing is so wrong, is this the wrong time? Maybe it's a sign. Maybe whatever part of the situation that's wrong, really needs to be fixed. In my mind, that didn't sound redundant. Sorry if it did.

The thing that I don't understand, nor want to think about is love. Love is all you need but there is no definitive answer in love. No one can really define it. Everyone has their own way of defining.

Love is patient... That's what I'm sticking to at this time in my life.

I had more to say but I just can't keep track of my thoughts. So I guess that means to shut it off tonight.

Ta! Ta!

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