Thursday, December 22, 2011


I got asked on a date. OOOOOOoOoOOOoOo!! Right?! Hahaha!

Can't say I didn't see it coming, though. Pretty excited actually. I will not reveal any other details. But lets just say he's pretty hot. :D

SO! What to talk about, now that I'm all giddy. :)

I can't believe there's no snow! Watching the news today I was SHOCKED that its going to be 40 degrees on Sunday. This is a joke right?

Had an up and down kind of day. Already edited this thing 2x. Which to be honest, I'm starting to think I need to stay away from technology. So what am I going to do? Take a break. I'm taking a break from texting, talking on the phone, going on facebook etc.. Starting tomorrow. I'm off. IM OFF.

Need to get my girlie on. So I think I'll change my hair and relax with the people I really love. Time to let go for a bit.


A castle made of sand. Knock me down.

1 comment:

  1. A date??? So have you gone out yet? Can't wait to hear about it!

    Aunt Vicki
