Friday, December 16, 2011

J'adore Paris.

Do any reading lately? I personally can't stop reading all French related. If you're looking for a fast and fun read, check out All You Need to be Impossibly French.

It's a fantastic read! I felt more French just reading about her experiences through Paris! An English girl heads to Paris with her family, completely dumbfounded by the French culture. What an insight to a thoroughly different culture. You learn about the skin care, the food, the love, the undergarments and all in between!

When explained so simply, it's very easy to be inspired and enthusiastic about living a more French life. Things that are so important here, just seem miniscule after reading this extremely contagious book.

My life has been so consumed with work and stress I find myself doing more French things by the day. (Drinking more wine, dressing more chic and simple, looking at love in a different light!) What do the French have that we don't?

A really good attitude about life.

I'm not saying that they have a carefree life and everything is so easy. What I am saying is that French life is a little more sophisticated and worth- while! Who wouldn't want that?

Welp, that's all I have for now! Until then...

Love your life and Stay chic! ;)

Ta ta!


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