Friday, December 30, 2011

Where are you?

No heels, no shirt,
no skirt.
I just wanna feel your

I literally said something out loud today
and I really really meant it.

"I'm too wild. No one can handle me."

Man, It's pretty true. I'm all over the place. I'm dealing with daily battles in life. Does everyone? Daily demons, temptation, the battle for good and evil? This all rings a bell right? I find a little lost. A little rambling and pacing. Pacing and repetition. I was actually wandering back and forth at work today. I'm sure I looked lost and confused. All because of thoughts...?

Everyone has their days, am I right? Maybe it was the caffeine overload. Nervous energy. Anyone deal with an addiction? Coffee, cigarettes, etc. Everyone's got their thing. I'm pretty sure of it. I guess that's just how the world goes. I don't think there's a problem with that either. No one is normal. Everyone has an ism or baggage. THAT'S THE TRUTH.

I'm turning to Shia for stability. My MeShia. <3
He can always make me feel sane for awhile. Brings me back to what a down to earth person can really be like. I just hope I can get past his recent crap and be happy watching him in a movie. Been awhile.

Wish me luck.

Ta ta!

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