Saturday, December 17, 2011

You're not alone AT ALL it seems.

Being in love doesn't mean you have to be together and being together doesn't mean you're really in love...

Whoa. Was this a sign?

I met up with an old friend tonight. We haven't seen each other in a long time. Haven't had "real talk" in what seems like forever. I can't believe how different our lives are and what different paths we've taken. Yet, we find ourselves in the same pickle.

The best part about life: You're not alone AT ALL.

How odd that I say something and someone has the exact same problem. I feel so... normal again. Is it really a "problem?"

Couldn't tell you. But I will say that some things should be said. Put yourself out there. I can't help but think if life really is full of surprises and that there are signs.

Things are looking more positive. Life is becoming clearer. Love is getting more understanding.

Now its all up to you.

Ta ta!


Ay amor me duele tanto
Me duele tanto
Que te fueras sin decir a dónde
Ay amor fue una tortura...

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