Friday, December 9, 2011

End of Era

There's certain times in your life when you give yourself the benefit of the doubt. I have, and I have for awhile now. My era is done as of right now. I've been selfish, stupid and hypocritical.

I'm talk about me here. Not you.

And while I'm at it, this is the beginning.

Ruthless has always been one of my PROUDLY SHOWN characteristics. I'm not doing what I've done. This censoring for my benefit is not apart of my being. While I had diarrhea of the mouth today, it became extremely clear to me what the FUCK I was doing. I'm not saying I regret my actions, or lack there of, but I am not proud of them.

As I contemplated everyday, I wasn't really thinking of the severity. I'm a humanitarian at heart.

Damaged goods, isn't my color.

I am way too good for this. And way too good for you.

The moment you start compromising your being, you have failed yourself. You are no longer you. You are your enemy. Stooooping so low and being in a black black pit in life, it's hard to crawl out. Crawl out and make it normal again.

There's no right and wrong answer in life. But you always know your gut feeling. You should go with that before you hit the pit.

Tata for now



  1. I am wowed by how much you have been blogging and wondering what has been going on with you in your life. I think I need to have a sit and visit with you, my niece. I feel so out of the loop, but please know that I'm always here if you need someone to listen to you.

    Love you very much.

    Aunt Vicki

  2. haha its mostly just ranting. getting out of a 5 year funk. no need to be worried.
