Monday, December 19, 2011

Lay all your love on me!

Does anyone believe in subliminal messages?

I think I do, now.

I'm currently in a panic! A panic? Is that right? A panic attack maybe? Gosh, whatever! Either way, every year for the last 3-5 years I have stayed in on New Year Eve and cooked dinner with my boyfriend. Now I'm boyfriend- less and have no clue what to do?! My friend is having a murder mystery party at her church function, which I think would be a fun way to spend it but we'll be done before midnight.

To be honest, I think NYE is a little over-rated. I get more excited about the day, actually. :) A new day, a new year! What's not to be excited about? Rhetorical.

What does everyone do? Most of my clients hardly have anything to say about the Eve. They all say they stay low-key. Sounds kind of good to me. BUT on the other hand, I don't want to be alone. So if I have to be the DD and be a 3rd wheel, I'm pretty much jumping on that!

Anyone have any amazing NY resolutions? Mine is to be happier! Sort of a "Yes Man" attitude. Take chances, live in the moment. Get rid of any anxiety of the world! No real reason to not be living in the now, ami right?

I also plan on taking up a few new hobbies. But I'll let you guess those. ;)

Ta Ta For now!

Angela :)

Don't go wasting your emotion.

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