Sunday, January 1, 2012

Blonde's on the brain.

New year. New outlook. New relationships. New fun. New life.

What is the most refreshing part? It started with a BANG! How was everyones new year? Great, I hope!

Feeling pretty good lately. A lot of people have been asking me if I've lost weight. That's something to be excited about! Ami right?! Truth is, I don't really know. I haven't weighed myself in a long long time. I feel good, and my clothes fit different so that's a good sign.

New year, new you. So what is everyone going to do this year. Resolutions?

I have a few things I want to change. Mostly taking time for me. I decided to take a vacation every quarter. And this includes weekend trips and long trips. I also want to run 4 races this year. If I can, one a quarter. I'm not going to say which races I'm going to do but I would like to do at least one 8k. :) Lots of fun changes.

The main change for me, will be what I decide to look like. I plan on taking it down some. I don't want to be so unhappy with the way I look. In the last year, I changed so much. My skin tone is different, my hair is changing. I am a different person. I should take it back... I'm not unhappy with the way I look. I just felt like I was in a rut this year because of all the changes. I didn't really know how to deal with them. So now, I'll make some changes and decide what's best.

To the nitty gritty. Blonde is on the brain.

There's something way comforting about this show. When I think about them and all the funny things that happen, all the luxury and vacations these girls take... They just crack me up. They actually seem more normal then the rest of the housewives. And that's pretty ridiculous because all of them do not live a normal life. Oh, well. :)

So I can't decide what to do. I'm torn. I want to really try to do the fun and fiesty platinum blonde thing but I just got this hair long. But then again, the condition is pretty good, so I wouldn't necessarily lose a lot of length. Sigh... grrr...

It'll be a rough night. lol

So, tell me something good!



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