Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Ark is the problem.

My my my, how the days are just FLYING by. Today was a love hate day. Loved the love part of it. Then hated it. (Also, I'm sick, still.) I'm getting bitter by the day. And I don't know if it's because I feel like I am forgotten or if I'm just feeling lonely. I think its a number of things but today was very quiet. Normally, I'de love this. Today way just a lot of sitting around. It was great but then I was getting bored.

Started thinking about the simpler sides of life. Like being up North in the woods. People can relax up there. Enjoy their surroundings and just not worry about who will call or text them. What a life it must be. A completely different exposure to the world. I think I would love it. Having a more relaxed and outdoors atmosphere. Something to think about...

Were nearly 1/3 through January. Insane that my birthday is just around the corner. I'm dabbling in a few different themes for my birthday. Either Hawaiian themed, fiesta themed or my classic pink, red and roses theme. It'll probably be the last one. lol

Anyone happy about this weather? I'm starting to get genuinely nervous about it. If it isn't here now, what does this mean? It's a scary thought.

Oh well, things can be worse. AMI right?

Time to bathe, wish me luck! I'm hoping it's going to open up some of my congested chest! :$



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