Sunday, January 15, 2012

Paler is prettier.

Man, I really miss this show. Did anyone catch the last season?! I missed about 3/4 of it. Totally regretting getting rid of HBO. Such a good network.

So! How was everyone's weekend?! I went to Howl at the Moon last night. What a neat place. Too bad I drank a ton. I had fun, but some of it is hazy.

And it starts...

Things are changing. My life isn't going to be forced anymore. I refuse to be uncomfortable in any situation. I plan on getting things straightened out and being exactly what I am. Which is the goal in life, right? Being alone is good for the soul. I don't even want to meet anyone. I don't want to be around anyone that is just going to waste my time.

Been having my unsettled feeling. More than likely, this is just me being paranoid. I need just pure relaxation. I spent allllll Sunday just relaxing. I can't tell you how amazing it was. I need to feel alone and settled. No fear, no judgment. That's how you live your life.

Taking a holistic approach for my new found relaxing life. Getting in touch with inner Ayurvedic techniques. My yoga is starting up again. I'm going to be a little bit different with my style. Going to make my phone a 4th or 5th priority. Call me if you need me.

Side note, Anyone believe in exposure therapy? Random, I know.

So, now I'm going to read for a couple hours and enjoy my quiet quiet room. :)

Feels good.


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