Tuesday, January 17, 2012

C'est la vie.

I lived and loved today. I'm normal again. I didn't feel any regret, anger and I especially didn't feel lonely. My appetite is back (dang.) and I didn't feel the anxiety and out of sorts feelings I've had for too long.

I'm back to being happy. I would shout it from the top of a building if I could. I'M HAPPY!

Anyone done any laughing lately? I have been having so many happy memories and funny funny memories that have been attacking me. At work, not so fun to explain why I'm laughing. People must think I'm nuts. Which I'm okay with. :)

Guess who has been indulging? I bought myself an early birthday present. :) I got a new Coach purse. It's beautiful! Cherry red, and gorgeous! I am one happy girl. My Kindle fits perfectly in it.

Been talking to someone that I never expected to have much in common with. Well, that's how it goes doesn't it? RHETORICAL. The time you actually stop looking and start relaxing. Someone comes along. Takes you by surprise. Makes you feel a little bit more sane. It's funny to just "get" someone. You're automatically on the same page. I'm sorry, I just don't want to play games. Don't even bother. I know I'm not crazy to think that. Say it. Just say it and be done with it. Don't play with people's emotions. Don't string people along. That karma isn't good for life. Bad JuJu.

What has everyone been up to? Living and loving life? You better. This is life. Start living it. Smile at the people you don't know. Talk to your neighbor in the grocery line. People love getting to know beautiful people. :D


Make me come alive come on and turn me on.
Touch me. Save my life.
I'm too young to die.
Come on.

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