Thursday, January 12, 2012

Back in (almost) black.

Surprised? I bet not. I changed again. 2x. Which is which? I am darker.


So today it started to snow! YEEE!!! :) Now I can get my snowboarding on the road. I miss being on a board. TRUTH. I had such a good summer season with all the wakeboarding I honestly can't wait to hit the snow this year. Anyone doing any winter sports? Great way to pass some time. That's for sure!

I can't get enough of my Kindle I got this year. Probably the best Xmas gift I've ever gotten. The Fire is incredible. I read my first book in about a week. Downloaded about 5 others, some free, some not free. lol I'm reading The Hunger Games trilogy. It's pretty incredible. I really hope the movie does it some justice. It's a pretty brutal concept actually, but very worth it! :D

Anyone have any fun plans this weekend? I'm headed to the city. Hopefully I'll meet some really great people. I'll be with some really great people, so that's all that really matters. :D

Well, time to read again. :) Seriously can't get enough of this book.



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