Friday, January 6, 2012

Dancing in clouds.

Tonight, I drank. And then had another one. It's been... a while? Since I had one. It was deserving. I've been nursing a cold or whatever this hell is. EIther way, I'll rock this raspy voice. It sucks, but I'll rock it.

I"m drowsy. I don't have much to say lately. I had a fun dinner with my hunnies tonight. Meaning the folks. We laughed pretty hard. At my mom. hahahaha!

Work is slow, but steady. Which to be honest, I plan on taking a day to relax maybe next week. :) Everyone is deserving of a day off. Ya mean?

Been dancing a ton lately. Got my belly dancing in. A little bit of the more modern stuff as well. A long time friend and me are going to be taking a pole dancing class soon. Exciting right? Can't wait to get some guns. Not that I don't have them already. :) haha!

I'm tired. And tipsy. So I go now.



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