Thursday, January 26, 2012


Birthday prep is underway. You could love the ensemble I've come up with...


How was everyone's day? I think today was fantastic. I just love seeing all my people. By people, I mean all my clients. All the great people that make me love my job so much. Life is so good. So happy to be bouncing back and enjoying life again.

Lets talk love!

How is it that you can love multiple people? Is monogamy really important to people? I feel like my generation is phasing out of the monogamy. Too many people I know are in "open relationships." What does that even mean? You sleep with more than one person? People tell me that when you are together, you are together. When you are not together, you aren't together. Okay... So no jealousy is involved? I find that hard to believe. What about diseases?! Now my opinion is totally out there.. I'm somewhat of a hypochodriac. (Definitely spelled that wrong.)

I feel like loyalty is dead. I can't be the only one. There's certain things you should or should not do. Where's the line? No line? I'm a free spirit, but gimme a break! There's a line.

Thinking about getting all tatted up. Any suggestions from you bloggers? Or DO NOTS! haha


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