Sunday, January 29, 2012

En français.

I never took French in high school, but I really do love the language. I can hardly speak it. I can somewhat read it, but I'll never get sick of listening to it. I have a cd/dvd set of all these amazing lessons on french. I just can't get out these syllables and sounds! Too hard on the mouth. :)

Life is good. This is life. When all things are down. There's no where else to go but up. Thinking about officially forgetting about everything. Getting rid of all the things. ALL THE THINGS! :D I think it's for the best. There's nothing wrong with starting fresh, forgetting about everything and moving on with life.

My type is changing. I have come across so many amazing people in the last couple of months I can't even stop wondering what if. I am so happy. I'm meeting new people, doing fun things and living my life. Why did I ever live in such a love-less, annoying atmosphere. Remind me again...?

No response. There's no right answer really. :D

I even find that even when I'm starting to doubt something. Really, just when I start turning into my negative nelly again, I just switch it off and accept the invitation or give it a chance. Or go out anyways. I love it! I'm turning into a Yes (wo)Man! Priorities change. I absolutely love it.

How's everyone's New Years Resolutions going? I know most people said they were going to take more time for themselves. It's been over a month and I'm expecting you all to do some pampering! You deserve it! :)

Speaking of, I'm getting in the bubble bath! Gonna soak, get silky smooth and give myself a mani! Wish me luck! No smudging! :D

Au revoir!

Angela <3

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