Friday, January 13, 2012

Birthday plans.

It's Girls Night Saturday, tomorrow!! :)

Going into the Chi tomorrow! Gettin' my groove on at Howl at the Moon! :) Can't wait to be with some fun, new people! Well, not really new. But new to go to the city with! Plus, it'll give me some fun birthday ideas. Cha-ching! :D

Speaking of birthday! My birthday is coming up! What are you getting me? ;) I'm thinking a cheeeeese party is in the cards. Cheese, wine, deli meats. The works! How fun! And Parisian! <3 it!

Je me sens aimé.

I decided to for sure make my Valentines this year. The glitter herpes are going to infect everyone this year! Can't wait to hopefully see the reflection pictures on Facebook! Hey! That's a great idea! Post your glitter herpes!! :D! I don't know if I want that rep. tho. hmm... thoughts...

Today was GOD AWFUL! I had so many nightmares last night and I'm starting to think I need to keep a positive mind before I go to bed. So I'll switch back to watching Pink Panther with Steve Martin, instead of reading. The books I'm reading are pretty violent so it could be the source.

I had dreams about the past as well. It really got to me to where I considered calling off of work to take a mental health day. Instead I got out of bed and put myself together as best as I could. I had a hard time keeping it together. Everyone was asking me about my love life today, as well. Had to be the curse of Friday the 13th. Just a rough, rough day. I pulled it together last minute and ended my day pretty fabulously. Now here I am, drinking my Kahlua and listening to my Parisian music and about to take a bubble bath. Life is good. (And almost the 14th)

I kept telling myself, in the back of my mind though, "You need to be happy. You can't be miserable another day. Think of all the things you would be dealing with if things hadn't changed. You made the right choice. Let him go." I think it helped. It got me to thinking that the more bitter I am, the more I am going to live in that bad, bad funk.

So here I go! Happy. :)

Au revoir!
Angela <3

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