Monday, January 9, 2012

Shouldn't have.

I'm going to admit it. I knew it was a bad decision. Now I can't stop wondering and wondering and wondering. It was a huge mistake. Shouldn't have ever done it.

How was your day?

My current thoughts on my hair are: Wow, way to prove yourself wrong... again. Officially, my hair has turned a muddy green. Great job huh? lol

I bleached it, then bleached it again. Duh, oh Angela. Why did you think the darkest color depositing conditioner you own would be a good idea? So yes, my sandy blonde hair is looking a tad... green. Chlorine green. Not pretty emerald green. Oh well. I'll just color it tomorrow. :)

Did some shopping today. I'm so excited. Valentine's Day stuff is out! :D My other favorite holiday. I think I officially decided that the hand-made valentines are going out this year. Glitter and all. YYYEEEEE!!!

I'm also giving out gifts this year to all my friends/family/loved ones. Nothing new. But also might be doing a ton of handy- work on that. Yikes, got a lot more than I thought I had to do. Better get a move on that. Organizing 101.

So any Valentine's day plans? I honestly think I'll just work and go home and watch a sappy movie with Rocco. He's my new boyfran. :D

So... now I think I'll go to bed. Done for today. Hoping the cough will be gone by tomorrow. :/


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