Thursday, January 5, 2012

Drunk on love.

I feel like I'm a hopeless romantic.
I can't help fallin' in love.
I want it.
I crave it.
I just can't get enough.
Take me away.
Nothing can sober me up.

I feel my Nonna today. I keep seeing things, but nothing is there. I hear something fall, very randomly. Yet, nothings in the floor. I know she's here. I just can't tell if she's trying to tell me something or just wants me to say "hi." So I went with "Hi, Nonna!" We'll see what happens.

Been reading a ton lately. It's amazing what a good book will do for ya. Got lost in "Hunger Games." The last week or two I spent hours reading in the dark. Felt amazing to actually be caught up in someone else's life. I love being able to let go of my worries and get some fun in, in my life.

My thoughts are getting more relaxed. My appetite is finally back.
I think it's passing.

Therefore, not much to write about.

One thing, I'm bleaching tomorrow. I have a good hour before my first comes in tomorrow. Bust out the 40 volume. I mean serious blonde business. We'll see how that goes. :D



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