Thursday, November 11, 2010


Tonight, I really don't have a question to answer. I just need to make a few statements.

To start, this month (already) has been stressful. A lot has happened in my personal life. I'm trying very hard to be selfless and compassionate to everyone around me. No one's life is perfect and no one has an easy life.

"I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it."

More than ever, this statement has made the most incredible impact on my life. Many people forget what is important in life until something life changing happens to them. It's sad that death, divorce or dismissal is the cause of a life change. I was with a regular client today and she told me about a local man that was on the train, on his way to work that just passed out in front of his wife and was pronounced dead at the hospital. I can't express to people how short life is. I can't stay mad at people. If my life were to end tomorrow, how awful would it be if i was holding a grudge or if a friend was upset with me? To remember me as the last fight we had? What an incredible memory of our relationship. What a burden to bear. How would you live with yourself? You would regret not being able to forgive and forget. Are you going to let SOMETHING STUPID ruin something so special?

Don't be a grudge holder. Let things go. Remember the good, not the bad.

With that said. No one deserves to be disrespected. Be a mature adult. If you're life needs to change, could you be just a little less dramatic? Could you not hang up on them? Could you say goodbye before you slam the door on their face? Could you be a bit more trusting?

Life is supposed to be about the good. If you're life isn't good, maybe you need to do some soul searching.

Take some deep breaths when the day is trying. You may be stressing right now, but look at the big picture.

Enough for today.


Thursday, November 4, 2010


"Why must every female cock an attitude, try to shove some sort of superiority over everyone else, and then get offended beyond belief when you don't treat them like God personally came down from Heaven to tell them they are wonderful. Why must women go out of their way to put down others to make them feel better about themselves?"

I saw this as a status today and commented on it and it turned into my blog question of the day. SWEET! :D

Women have egos. I work with about 15 women and all of them think that just because they have a position where they are needed or if there job seems "secure" than they think that they are some GOD. Almighty. Divine. Heavenly. What ever adjective you want to use. I know everyone has seniority over someone else but theres no excuse to be treated like crap. As much as we want to believe it, hazing can be the simplest thing. Giving attitude, pulling pranks etc. But it's no excuse. Everyone should be treated like a human being.

What is so ironic is: most women would be nothing without their "posse." I can't tell you how many people that I work with that get this huge attitude or look down on you when they're with their clique

In every work place, play place or furthermore, theres always going to be some form of mafia. Sad to say but women are like a pack of dogs. BITCHES. Territorial, cold and just bitchy. They stick with their own and make people work for respect. Which is sad. Its segregating really.

I fear for the new girl at every new job. I feel bad for them. Which should only teach you...

"You should be nice to everyone you see. You never know who is going to shoot up the place. I want to be the person he lets go because i gave him a candy bar and smiled at him once."

Not saying you should shoot up places. Just saying you never know who is going to SNAP and you never know who will come back into your life or be an amazing networking tool.

Just Sayin'. ;)

Hope these words help the new girls at work/school/ fun places. You really are an amazing person :D


tata for now!

<3 Angela

p.s. check out my buddies art! :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Red is so hot right now.

SO. I'm an impulse hair colorer. Just want to make that clear. I woke up and decided on a whim that i couldn't STAND my hair any longer. My day started too early. I had a full day of clients and finished the day with an hr to spare so i decided hey! lets do red! sweet, huh? its just a vicious cycle that goes on and on. blonde redish red dark brown. start it all over again. Hey, one day I'll figure it out. I will say tho, with my skin tone, red is by far my favorite! yeah?

Im waiting on a question from Pauly. Pauly Arrivo, my McLovin look-a-like is going to ask me a question about women so that i can blog about it. To pass time I guess I'll talk about Pauly. He JUST gave me a massage on Monday. I think it's so cool to about hear men in the spa/salon industry. We kind of need more of em in my opinion. The massage was great! I couldn't help but laugh tho. He's definitely goofy. I mean that in the best way. Haha! :)

okay SO!

"Whats up with women that stay in relationships were its just so very clear that the mans intentions aren't really for the both of them but merely for his gain?"

Just got this from Paul. EXCELLENT QUESTION. I'm so glad you asked. I honestly don't see the real reason either Paul. I can tell you my theory. Self-esteem. I believe women have self-esteem issues. I think that most women all have some "thing." Whether it's one thing or 10 things, we have an issue. Most men can compliment women really well, they might not mean it but we want to believe it. I think from the rest of your e-mail that you're getting at some "you can do much better than HIM" type of thing. I would agree with you. Most women can do better. But most women don't think they can. I think like men and women, we all try to find the best thing but end up settling. We think, oh! it's not that baaad. He's not that baaad. He's just a rebel and is being goofy. Women will find any excuse in the world to make it work.

Personally, not to bash my own sex, but women suck. I don't understand them at all. They want the drama, they feed off of it. They want to feel needed and they want to feel good about themselves 99.9% of the time. If a guy can do that 50% of the time they just settle on that.

Yes, we think we can change a man. Women will try everything in the book to try to have the perfect guy. Call it what you want (ie crack the whip) but women think they can change or train any person that comes into their lives.

I hope that answered some of your question, Pauly. The more I'm around women, the more I'm baffled. But I will say, if you're a great guy, a great person will find you. You just can't settle and you have to be happy.

For now, I'll leave you with that.




Tuesday, November 2, 2010

12 am?!

MAN! I have been such an idiot about sleep lately. so anyways.

Today I bought red shampoo and conditioner... i know. i know. im kind of a moron with my hair. I recently went blonde (er) and cant help but HATE the color so i decided, hey! Why don't i use a shampoo and conditioner that will deposit some color... simple enough, right? Well, I hope so! :/

I have a NEW obsessioooooon! guess who?! guess who!? KATHY, DUH!! I can't get enough of her stand-up lately! i reallllly need to get on that reality show of hers! I've seen a bit but not the full seasons. have you seen any?

My question of the day: Do women think about their EX's?

Answer: Definitely. We don't necessarily compare you to the EX... well I take that back. Yeah, we kind of do that too. Yeah, were pretty judgmental and we can be pretty harsh about it. We're not going to think about our EX constantly but we want the bigger better thing. We want everything to be better than our last experience. SO please! Please! Please! Don't worry about our EX, we just want to be treated right. Wouldn't you?

Now I go to sleep. I need to be up in like 6 hours. sooo I better get on that beauty sleep. :/




Jealousy is a bitch.

Not saying I'm the jealous one PEOPLE! DUH!

I've been reading so much CRAP on the internet about women. I'm pretty much sick of it. PRETTY MUCH. I hate seeing articles, lists etc. about women needing to listen to men. I gotta tell ya men, you're not doing women any favors. It's a little more offensive writing lists for women to read. But then again, you are black and white. Offended?

Ever think, "Why does every chick I talk to OBSESSED with vampires? Why do women expect me to give a crap? Justin Bieber, he's 12, how the hell can they find him attractive?"

SO randomly, I'm going to answer questions EVERY time I blog. I think I'm up to the challenge.

To answer that MOST important question: Justin Bieber sings song about love. More in specific, he sings songs about being in love with a girl, making him vulnerable making him UTTERLY charming and adorable. Sorry men, theres something wonderful about a boy/guy/man that can confess love to a woman. (He dances too. Just a side note.) He performs for women/ girls. He's basically what every girl/woman wants. IM SO SORRY, you don't dance and you want to play games. Guess what, we're not Connect 4. We're not a game.

Recently, I've heard too many men complaining about women not giving them a chance. And it's the "BAD MEN" that make them look bad. Okay, seriously stop blaming other people. Instead of sitting or "vegging" on your ass, actually try. Yeah, that means you have to make and effort. It's giving you a bad rep to sit online and post crap all over that girls facebook. YES! WE GET IT, I'm newly single and you like the way I dress. But I've never met you before so I don't care how nice of a guy you are. You're still trying to hook up with me VIA facebook. Anyone can type. Can you look me in the eye and ask me a question?

More on the game playing subject. Women are serious 75% of the time. Not that we want to be but we want to believe that you're being honest with us. So if you were to say, "I'll call you." We'll expect it. Or we won't expect it because of the "bad man."

I'm really annoyed with talking about this over and over again. So I'm going to leave it with this.

CAUTION: Recently single women are dangerous. If you walk into this explosion of "tenderness" expect the flames.

If you can't understand that, you'll never understand women.


Tata for now.


P.S. This rant only begins. JUST SAYYYENNNN.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Where's USA?

Things I wonder.

I went to find cowboy boots this past monday. I specifically wanted AMERICAN cowboy boots. I went an hour and a half away from home. Way out in the boondocks for some real country american southAN boots. I get there, finally, and on the sign it says Justin Boots made in USA. Well you can see the excitement all over me. I went inside and saw racks and racks and shelves of boots. i try on a few pair thinking they're all american. They all have tags on them saying american boots. then i look on the inside of the boot MADE IN CHINA. MADE IN VIETNAM. MADE IN MEXICO. Im an AMERICAN DAMMIT. Americans are cowboys. aren't they?


These people...

Can i get an American flag? From America?!



Monday, September 6, 2010

Weekends rock.

GUESS who had a good weekeeeeend!?! I went down to IU to visit the bestie. Had a greeeeat time! Marissa came with me and kept me company on the rides! When i got to her house, i basically changed, (flashed alicia) freshened up the make-up and took off! We went to this reeeally fantastic bar/ club. They have a huge stage and Dot Dot Dot was playing! Ariel was right, I wanted to go lesbian for the guitarist Rose. She was amaazing! She whaaaled!

I dont really know what else I want to write about. I'm sorry. Everything in my head is still fresh but nothing is that important.

One important thing, I'm going to see Dot Dot Dot in Chicago this weekend! :D YEEEEEEE!!


<3 Angela

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Love me. Love me.

I found out what my problem is. I can love anyone. I can't ever make up my mind about anything. I can go any which way, so long as its not that way. I'de like to keep it like this now. I feel like me. FINALLY.

Im having so much fun. I went to Chicago for DJ's birthday. We had a fantastic time. We went to the Palmer House Hotel, got all fancied up and went to Wrigleyville to start the night. We went to sluggers. had a fun time in the batting cages, playing games. we went downstairs after and went DAAANCINNNNNG! i love to dance! i got everyone to dance! had a BLAST! lots of sandwiches and bumpin'! i loved it!

After that, we went to Excalibur. It technically wasn't excalibur but it was the same building. We had an amazing time. Drinking and dancing! losing eachother, making fun of people! staring at the go-go dancers!! lol we had a blast! even DJ was dancing! mr...i dont dance! haha yeah okay! ill give you another drink and then we'll dance! :D

What a fun night! That whole sun-rise thing didn't work out. BUT theres always next time! right? i think we made it to 5am then ended up passing out. What a stinky and hot room too! lol

:) life is good. LETS GO SHOPPING TOMORROW! :D




Sunday, August 8, 2010


Here's Kelly from the History Channel's Top Shot. If you haven't been following my blog, I'm obsessed with Top Shot right now. My favorite shooter, Kelly, was eliminated tonight! WAHHH WAHHHH! I'm so upset! I thought for sure he was going to win! What I really thought was the 2 top (in my book, Kelly and Blake) would be the final! When turns out... They were both eliminated tonight! :( I can't believe how much I want to shoot now though! I got my gun card FOREVER ago and just always had to put it off! I'm so excited that my brother has taken me and that I have the option to go with someone else!

So another thing I'm obsessing with is of course, The Kardashians. Look at their fabulous, luscious hair! I just love everything about them! They have real bodies, real conversations and real natural beauty! What is not fabulous about them! I am getting really pumped about the new season!



Tata for now!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Chelsea Dagger!

Chelsea, Chelsea!

Im changing my gears for my blog! you'll be happy to know, I'm happy! Last night I heard from a reality TV celebrity! thats... an oxymoron i think...

So anywho, back to the story. I LOOOOVE Top Shot on the History Channel. Hehe, nerd I know. Well from the GITGO I called that Kelly was gonna win. Note picture above. So i found him on Facebook. Well a fan based one or whatever. So i wrote on it telling everyone he was gonna win. And hes the best shooter Rada Rada RADA. So what happens? He e-mails me on his personal facebook. OHHH YES! He's all "cosmetology, huh? I'm coming thru ur state in a couple days!" OHHH MAN!

I'm seriously typing so fast it was like i've been drinking monster all day. Im cheesing ear to EAR, seriously 2 inches from my computer screen. It really didn't go anywhere. WATCH! He'll end up walking into my salon, wanting a cut and what-not.

So what now? I want to shoot allllll kinds of guns. I'm like, I NEED KNIVES!

That's what I've been up to! Im trying to gather people together so I can go to the burlesque show at the end of august. I'm inviting all of my co-workers which could either be reeeally reallly really good. or really really bad. We'll see! :)


Tata for now!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Im sitting all alone, feeling empty.

Cause I fear I might break
and I fear I can't take it
Tonight I'll lie awake feeling empty

I have a case of the lonely's. The only thing people are doing is complaining. No one's fun. No one wants to do anything. I keep getting blown off. I put effort into things and I don't get anything back. I'm definitely trying to do my own thing but no one follows thru on plans or anything. Thanks for the funk people!

I can feel the pressure
It's getting closer now
We're better off without you
I can feel the pressure
It's getting closer now
We're better off without you

On a lighter note, I got an apology. That was nice. In regards to my last post, I flipped out. It wasn't fun. Hearing something like that, I know a lot of women that would only take it offensively. I shouldn't have went to the worse case on that one. I am a little sensitive tho. Who can blame me?

We did hang out. It was fantastic. I'm not publishing anymore of my fun experiences without pictures so...sorry people! There's something really exciting about talking to this person though. I feel better around him.

I wish there were more people like that...

Well, have you met my friend DJ? He loved being the topic of my blog. So I think I'll add him again. This guy, is honestly someone that ALWAYS makes me smile. My 4th of July could have been incredibly miserable. But me, Ariel and DJ all laughed, and swam in the middle of the night, saw the fireworks did all this fun stuff together. He made my night so much more bareable. I'm kind of sad tho. I wanted to hang with him this weekend but hes gone campin'!

Hey, I would jump on that too. Im jealous... Of his friends! bahahaha! Seriously tho, without my friends I don't know how I would be right now. I don't know who I'de be right now.

Who would I be?

Time to ponder. And sleep. Maybe some lucid dreams are in order! Right Deej?



Sunday, July 25, 2010

what would you think...

''I wish u would run more tho cuz u would be 10x hotter''

...if you got a text that said this?

im pretty much destroyed. as if my self-esteem was on the downs before...

to put things more simply i havent felt pretty, wanted, needed in years. i dont think im an overly-sensitive girl but i showed men this text. they all flipped out before i even said anything. this was the recovery...

"u hot, and i totally like that u work out and if u do everyday that's hot"

so if i dont everyday, im not hot?

its pricks like this one that make girls the way they are. im so glad im a spiteful person that tomorrow ill do my monday 1-2 mile run go home swim, and eat the rest of the day in SPITE of you.

the worst part is, ive been waiting to see him for a very long time. monday was supposed to be our day. how ironic how ass holes come to be ass holes the day of.

ive been crying way too much over this. i cant wait to sleep (IF I CAN) and wake up to a new day. i would consider this the worst monday of my life. i officially hit 15 on my roster and no one is looking for anything but a good time. how fucking shallow are people? i can't wait to fill out my profile.

i hope that doesnt happen soon, but i cant FUCKING wait.

i really really reallly realllllly cant believe that this happened. i told him to reread his texts tomorrow when he's sober. and then told him that if i ran 10 miles a day ide look like a boy and that i love my dcup boobs and "beyonce" ass GOODNIGHT!

ew. im just so disgusted right now. to actually think...gah! i cant even talk in full sentences.

KARMA IS A bitch. i cant wait for you to get yours.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Whats up whats up?

Im currently on Skype. Talking to DJ right now. I went to his show in Steger. It was a very fun night! lots of heavy metal and monster! He is an amazing guitar player. lots of tapping, high notes and fast drumming! sweet! tomorrow im going to meet with someone i havent seen in a long time. im also going to see eclipse with ariel. surprisingly enough, havent seen it yet. AWWW baby tia just peeked her head into my room its thunderstorming and she hates the loud boombooms. poor baby.

im going to nawleans! i decided me and dj are road tripping and going very soon! im pumped. im pretty sure i wont come back. :) im cool with that.

on monday me and someone fun are getting together! :) wish me luck.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cry me a...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I make them good girls go bad.

Well, my life is different. Wednesday night I made a big decision and ended my 3 year relationship. Not much to say, in a weird funk today. I think it's the best thing for me. And him too, really.

I'll write later.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Love Letters

Love letters on wet paper.
Forgivers, no takers.
An angel who never got wings.
You find Jesus, and It's too late.
He's already closed the front gate.
And the signs flashing no vacancy.

My New York trip is tomorrow! I can't believe how fast it snuck up on me! This weekend will really test what I'm made of. A plane ride. I've only been on one trip where I've had to fly and it was to Jamaica. So alone, I'm flying. Wish me luck. I'de rather not show up to New York a drunk mess. ;) I'm going for a wedding if you haven't been following along. I have the rehearsal that I apparently have to go to. Then the wedding is Saturday. I didn't even think, What will I do when I'm not at the wedding? Well, I guess i can go run? That sounds fun, huh? They have a full gym. And since I didn't run hardly at all this week, it'll probably be pretty difficult but it'll keep me busy. HOORAH! Then I am driving home. Which is great, NOT. 10 or so hours. fun. shoot me.

I figure we can swap around cars anyhow. So if I get really annoyed I can just swap. SWEET.

I am bringing headphones, ear plus, and books. Many of them. Wish me luck!

Don't you just love this pic? I love my babies.



Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You love me?

I've had some rough weeks. Someone is back in my life. I don't really know anymore!

And you said, yes.

you should've said NO.

I don't know what I want to say. At all. I like this. :D

Friday, June 11, 2010

...talks to me, I laugh cuz its just so funny.

I decided. I guess? I will go through with the road trip back home. I'm bringing books, dvd's and earplugs. I can do it.

I can't stress to you enough how much I love country music in my life. It just makes me feel happier. Any time i listen to it I instantly feel like a better person. It makes me sooo--> happy. I watched some of the cmt awards today and i LOVED them. Although I think they were having technical problems (some of the mic's weren't working) they still throw a fantastic show!

I went to the Tractor Supply Company store. Oh man. I had too much fun in that store. I went for boots (line dancing is my new favorite weekend activity) and they didn't end up having a good selection but they had an amazing selection of other things. I got a new Jon Deere hat, a new belt, some sweet chicken poop lip balm. lol does not contain poop. :)

I cant even see. Anyone when he's with me.
Oh boy. I'm getting to all the sad songs with country music! uhh ohhh!! tears are coming!! no no no! lol

I gotta go to bed. Long day tomorrow. Work, then play. (line dancing)

yayy!! :)


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Boys like blondes, men like brunettes.

Where's the redheads in that saying? I'm not complaining. But, I'm frequently red and I can't seem to figure out who like us? lol we'll say the women, they envy us. ;)

Well! I have some busy days ahead of me! Im going to New York in a matter of days! And im seriously considering taking a flight home. I'm flying there and im supposed to be driving back with char and friends. im impatient so im realllllly considering. Getting home in an hour 1/2 or driving home for 10-15 hrs. whooooo...tough call. I might just need to hope on a plain.

I can get a flight for around $150. and consider I paid only $80 for my flight there, I'm not really worried about shouting out another $150. What do you think? too much? but then again, i will have to listen to sound effects and stupid jokes/ stinky boys. hmmm... weighing this out...weighing...

i think im decided. :/

Money here, money there. But you'll always get more. :)


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ohhh Dean! You're just so dreamy! I wish you could sing to me and make everything in life disappear. Well, maybe he does make everything better. He always makes me forget about my day, well forget whatever is on my mind. I just listen to the music and enjoy it. How could you NOT enjoy velvet to listen to?


She's got both hands
in her pockets.
And she wont look at you,
Won't look at you

My problems aren't solved, but things were a little easier today. Of course, I didn't have anything to worry about. I stayed busy all day and didn't think a lot. I had stimulation in the brain all day. Sometimes busy work is all you need. My insomnia is (kind of) back. Maybe it's just thoughts keeping me up... could be? I've been having pretty amazing dreams lately. I think it might have some symbolic meaning to it. Which is fantastic because I would looove to have some of that come true.

I need to go perfume shopping. I'm kind of upset that my signature scent is gone. Really used a lot of my fave pretty fast. Maybe i'll get something new for summer. I really like water scents. Like cool water. Maybe ill get that. Any suggestions?

I know that we are young.
And I know you may love me.
But I just can't be with you like this anymore...

Whatta life...

Time to try to sleep.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

To myself.

I've been writing to myself lately. I guess you can call it a diary. Sending e-mails back and forth, enjoying it too. Back and forth back and forth back and forth with this fricken mind!!

I stay wrecked and jealous for this.
For this simple reason
I just need to keep you in mind
As something larger than life.

I guess you can call my mental state is in a wreckage. Is that the word? I have no idea. I'm reading things all over the internet (never a good idea for me) that I know and have known for.. my entire life...? I'm looking for a solution and I know the answer to it. I've always known the answer, DUH! I can't really act on my answer though. Which is frustrating, nauseating, and honestly It might be the death of me.

Why can't I feel anything from
Anyone other than you
. ?

Demi. Love her. I'm on a Demi kick.

I went to a true blood event for huge trueblood fans. Which was fun, but nothing special. I loved all the free merch. :)

I've had a breath of fresh air. I don't know if it's fresh, I really don't. But it feels like me. And I feel happy. Maybe my solution and happiness depends on it. As if me running, (funny, I run now.) wasn't enough fresh air. But it's not. I think running is keeping me sane right now. Maybe I need to surround myself with people that know me. I'm starting to doubt myself and what I really know. I've forgot so much about myself and I can't be too surprised to hear all the fun things about me. I like me. I'm trying to keep my mind here. Right now in the moment I'm in.

I'm happy. Finally.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

And that's what you get!

Guess who's obsessed with red hair again?!

SIIIGH! I think I'm finally going to just admit that I'm fair-skinned. BLAH! I like red tho, it suits us fair-skinned pretty well.

Good news good news! I finally got to week 3 on my 100-push-up-challenge! WHOOOOOO!!! Which makes me feel fabulous cuz im doing about 75 push-ups total right now. of course in 5-6 sets but thats a lot! i would know, im doing the push-ups.

Catie (cuz catie) came into work today! she got her norm (highlights and cut) and she seems super excited about graduating and moving on to madison! how cool for her! she seems to really like her boyfriend! considering theyre moving in together!! :)

This weekend is going to be amazing! I'm seeing Daniel Tosh! I am so excited I can't even begin to tell you! I absolutely LOOOVE stand-up and I know it's going to be absolutely FanTAStico!

I had a purpose to this blog but forgot... so I guess I'll blog later..

:/ weird.. lol



Rock and Roll baby, don't you know that, we're all alone now, I need something to sing about.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


It's my saturday and I'm bored. Its really sunday, but MY saturday! GIVE ME A BREAK! I'm pretty sick of sitting at home on the weekend! Im starting to think I should organize my life/room hahaha...i'm gonna try that!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Updating now!

Hej! Jag heter Angela! Vad heter du?

Varifran kommer du?

It's swedish! YAY! I'm not 100% sure if I told you all that I'm self-teaching! Online, I look up pronunciation and follow each section of learning this incredible language! this says..

Hey! I am called Angela. What are called you?

Where from come you?

Pretty cool, huh? I took latin and spanish in highschool and always loved learning languages! it's just sucha puzzle to decipher! SO my pushups are going good..thanks for asking. Week 2 has been the hardest thus far... its a lot of push ups! so until I can really push through I might be stuck for a little while.. :(

I also cut off all of my hair! yay!! It was soooo damaged that I just couldn't take it anymore! I had to get rid of it! I was so sponge-y and gross! haha..i know. I did somewhat of a survery though and found out most people like me better as a brunette. SO! im going to attempt to stay brunette! wish me luck!! :p

well I don't have much else to update on, besides work is crazy busy! A lot of fancy hair styles this weekend which is very fun and exciting! i kind of hate up-do's but i think after this month, i'll be awesome at them! lol I also am super excited becuz daniel tosh is may 15th!!! were going all the way to dayton, oh and are staying the night! im sooo excited! i can't wait!

anywho. push-ups tonight! ugggghhh!!! haha!



Sunday, April 4, 2010

Updates on days 2 and 3!

Day two.

That was a tough one! i was so sore from the day before it was a nightmare! i made it thru it tho! i did 6,8,6,6 and maxed out on 9! i was way proud of myself. :) Today I'm up against 8,10,7,7 and max out on at least 10. I'm nervous! I'm pretty sick today. The allergies are kicking my ass.

It's actually Easter today. Kind of a fun and un-orthadox day. We went to Coyote Run-Northwoods, which is my brothers new place. (yay) and we had a delicious meal! it was a brunch buffet and they were pretty busy, it was nice to see that. They had everything up my alley. My first plate was breakfast. Haha PLATE! I had a chunk of fritatta, corn beef hash and potato hash, ham, a bit of a pancake, mac n cheese (couldn't resist) and a couple of other things. I also had more of a lunch plate, u'll be happy to know. I had a slice of beef, mac n cheese, roasted veggies, mashed potatos and gravy annnnd i think that was almost everything. Besides all the fruit, dessert and the omlette station i think i had everything. :)

Auntie Karen, Uncle Mike, Dan, Catie and Lauren (boo's g/f) came and joined us there. it was a lovely brunch! -allergies. :(

Well I think I'm going to lie down before I do my push- ups! my head is kind of pumping and my face feels hot so hopefully its just those allergies! :\


tata for now.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 2 (update on day 1)

DAY 2!

I made it! I started the one hundred push-up challenge. I did the exhaustion test (7 push ups was my MAX OUT. Sad) and I did the day 1 work out. 6,6,4,4 and a max which had to be at least 5. SO 5 sets of push-ups a day. Just to clarify My max out for my last set I was able to do 7! BOOOYYAHH!!! :) And I did the normal, manly, plank style push-up. Im not a sissy! I don't use my knees! ahaha!


I'm on day 2 now so today I'm faced with 6,6,8,6 and a max out of at least 7. My pecs are so sore today! what a work out! i can feel it in my legs chest, and especially my abs! It's a great feeling though! i miss getting a great work out. This is definitely a great challenge! I'm supposed to skip days in between workouts but I started on a Thursday so I'll do today (friday) and skip to Sunday. Then I'll start monday, wednesday, friday. 30 minutes a week is easy enough right? 6 weeks? thats nothing! I should look nice and in shape for summer! :)

After this 100 is all said and done I plan on doing the squat challenge! can you imagine? Doing 100 push-ups every workout then doing squats? crazy! I might even move onto the 200 push-up challenge! ahha! then maybe I'll do a marathon (yeah, right!)

Well I won't get all pessimistic, you really never know what you are capable of. Maybe I will do a marathon! :D

Off to do my 5 sets for the day! I'll keep ya updated! ;)



Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring has sprung!

Guess what Angela got?!

An iMac!!

oh baby! it's way sweet! haha

So i have NOT blogged in over a month, so sad :(

Much has changed and instead of some of the negatives that have happened, i plan on forgetting and moving on! (one of my new years resolutions was to be more positive and to stop worrying about things and holding grudges!)

I've been doing pretty well with that. So! Shia ran the L.A. marathon, super proud of him. He did really good too! :D!

TODAY is day 1.

I decided to do something that I have been DYING to do. Work out, keep up with it, and get back to me.

I am doing... (drum roll) the one hundred push up challenge! I know! I KNOW! scary, right? I did my exhaustion day. I did 7 push-ups. SUPER SAD cuz at one point my brother bet me that I couldn't do 50 in a row without stopping, and I did it. BOOYAH!!! haha well, i guess karma or some other form of back-lash has come full force. :*( I am not about to feel bad about myself though! I did it and published it to make a point that I am starting from scratch and that anyyyyone can do it. I swear I thought all my veins in my forehead were going to explode and then my brains were going to puke out after that. I am exhausted. Super pathetic!

SO it goes like this. You do it in weeks and build from that. I am in the 2nd bracket so I will do 5 sets of push-ups and thats my day one. Today is a Thursday so I think I might have to scrunch some in for the next couple of days. I don't want to really... but I'm committed! Next week, week 2, I'm going to do Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Thats my plan. I always have time at night to do whatever it is I decide to do..well I never do anything worth that time..stupid TV. My plan is now to do this 3 days a week and build to 100. What a challenge! I should be done in about 6 weeks. After that I plan on maybe doing a 200. WHOA! haha.

Some of you may be asking yourself, Why this challenge? This seems far fetched?

Well Me personally, I love arm workouts. I love feeling the soreness in my arms, i feel accomplished and women have a bad rep. for push-ups and arm workouts. Well I know that I use my arms in my line of work so I think this would benefit from it.

Here are some cool facts about push-ups:

Push ups are not only great for your chest, but do a tremendous job of defining your abs, triceps, shoulders and torso.

If you're looking to develop a great chest and shoulders, you could do much worse than follow along with the hundred push ups plan. Your core strength will also go through the roof too!

To improve your strength, fitness and general health all you need to do is commit about 30 minutes of your time per week.


Well, now I have to go do my 5 sets.

I'll update for the rest of Week 1!!




Thursday, February 25, 2010

You know... this is a rambling joke.

It's been an interesting couple of weeks.

I've been noticing alot of changes.

I hope its going to make you notice.

I almost have noticed, with change, that when it rains... it pours.

We have a new owner at work. He seems like a great guy. I'm very excited to see what changes are going to be made. I know I'm looking forward to going back to strictly Aveda. I miss that.

You make my heart sing

I feel a new phase is coming in my life. I feel like with weather, everything can change. Starting fresh, almost as if the trees are making everyone's life change. No matter if its in 2 more months or if its in 2 days, when the trees start to bud, when they all start to come back to life, its a rebirth. What do we want to get rid of in the spring? What is making us feel cluttered, claustrophobic, a little insane? When do we decide that enough is enough?

And each time I tell myself, well, I think I've had enough.

never, never, never, never, never, never hear me when I cry at night.

I think that in all the crazy feelings over winter, I've finally made up my mind. Maybe faults have my mind reeeling.

What is fair? A question that has been on my mind lately.

I told myself, "This blog will be my thoughts. I owe it to myself to be uncensored and think for myself." Therefore I will be selfish. Let anyone who wants, see it. Some may not like it, but it's thoughts and that is why people are obsessed with the idea of mind-reading.

•: have a craving, appetite, or great desire for

Sunday, February 21, 2010

february update.

Well, February 16th was my 21st birthday! it was a pretty amazing day!

we had somewhat of a new orleans, fat tuesday theme. which is always one of my favorite themes. just love all of the colors.

We had about 40+ people at the house and i really did not expect that many people. we had a really good 2 man accoustic band. They call themselves black moccasin. i love that name. Its really all accoustic. and eric and tony are the band memebers. tony looks mad all the time usually but i was pleasantly surprised that he's just shy and doesn't hate me. lol i actually saw him smile for most of the night. eric looks like johnny depp. enough said about that...

so the band played for about 5 hours. i think they were pretty exhausted. i dont blame them really. i would definitely have blisters on mah fingas!

we ate so much food! mom was cooking for about a full week. it was way worth it tho. we had chicken gumbo, antipasta salad, my favorite. we also had pulled jerk pork for sandwiches, yams and red rice and beans. YUM! we had a butter pecan cake, with the baby in it, chocolate cupcakes with chocolate homemade frosting, sugar cookies, a cookie bouquet. i think thats it, im probably wrong tho.

all in all i thnk it was the best birthday ive ever had. and now i can drink whenever i want wherever i want! how awesome!

on that note i think ill sign off now.

TTFN! <3

Thursday, January 14, 2010


SO! guess who started looking towards her next vacaaaationnn!!! :) ME!

I went to borders today and was looking through all of the travel section. im in between 2 vaca's right now but im more looking at hawaii. how exciting right? im really planning on doing a lot of beachside things. staying somewhere beachside, hanging beachside, tanning beachside... ya know! :) i cant decide when i want to go tho! i still need to figure out whats the best time of year. im thinking more summer cuz that way i can find someone to come with. as much as u'd like to think people would jump at the offer, a lot of my friends and family "can't afford it." thats what the tell me at least! BAH! :/

Has anyone ever been to Hawaii? or any of the islands?

i went to jamaica years ago, it was gorgeous! i loved it, but it came and went so fast and i think that was the last vacation i was on! :(

time to do it again!!

dont you just love these pictures? B-E-A-UTIFUL!



Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Twenty Ten.

HOLY COW! its 2010!!

Why not start it off with some Shia?


Recently, I've gotten into the art scene. Kinda fun. I started dabbling in some tabbing and paint. I've actually been doing some fan art for Shia. Haven't finished one yet but it'll happen.

Now that my life is settled and seems to be going well, I've been doing a lot of cooking. For new years eve i made some lobster tails for charlie and myself. yayy! :) I made a barley dish also, THAT is one of my fav dishes. love rice and barley and risotto. super yum!

Im thinking about taking a vacation! i made a lot of new year resolutions! haha one of them is to relax more! vacation vacation vacation! im thinking florida. or maybe somewhere in tennessee or louisiana. theres some sweet treasure hunting and gold digging spots in those areas. i'de love to go check that out! get some money and spend some money! ching ching!

so i did the calculations and its only 35 days til my birthday. oh em gee!! still weighing my options but im definitely thinking party at my house! :)

i colored my hair today! looks fab! much better! its a shade or two darker, very kardashian! i also have crazy blunt bangs. crazy meaning theyre heavy and very committing haha. im cool with that tho. i dont look good without bangs so i dig it!

well i ate entirely too much coldstone ice cream and feel like im going to vom so i think im gonna take a bath and try to relax some!

